Terms & Conditions

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Introduction & Your Agreement
Thank you for signing up to lessons with Theatr Clwyd Music. The Terms and Conditions of for your tuition are as follows.
Please read carefully as, by submitting the application and ticking the box on our online application form, you agree to our Terms and Conditions below, unless you notify us within 14 working days of receiving your offer confirmation.
Theatr Clwyd Music means Theatr Clwyd Music Trust Ltd. of Raikes Lane, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 1YA.
For the purpose of this agreement “Term” refers to one of the following periods: Autumn (September to December), Spring (January to March), Summer (April to July).
For the purpose of this agreement “Academic Year” refers to September-July.
Lessons and Absences
Lessons Per Year: Our guarantee is that Theatr Clwyd Music associates will offer no fewer than 34 lessons during a full academic year. Should we fall short of this guaranteed minimum through tutor absence, we will make a pro-rata refund or credit in respect of the shortfall, normally at the end of the academic year.
Missed Lessons/Refunds/Credits/Rescheduling
- Music Associate Absence: When a Music Associate misses a session due to illness or travel delay they will endeavour to make the session up (e.g. through an extra lesson or a double lesson). Should the lesson be unable to be rescheduled, a refund or credit for the lesson will be made, normally at the end of the academic year.
- Student Absence: We are unable to offer refunds or credits for lessons missed by the student, due to short term sickness, school trips/activities, revision leave, exams etc.
- Long Term Medical Absence: In the case of an absence of 5 consecutive weeks due to illness/injury, the fee for 5 lessons will normally be refunded on production of a doctor’s certificate.
- School Cancellation: When a school cancels a lesson we will endeavour to make up the lesson provided that over 2 weeks-notice has been received from the school.
- Unexpected School Closure: In the event of an emergency or closure of a school (full or partial) or music centre due to an event outside Theatr Clwyd Music’s control (e.g. flooding, heavy snow or industrial action), where possible lessons/sessions will be made up or credited.
- Ensemble: Credits and refunds will not be given for termly Ensemble Membership fees.
Group Lesson Registration: If a student signs up for group lessons and there are not enough students to make a full group we will contact the student to discuss their options. This may include switching to individual lessons, being put on the waiting list until more pupils have signed up, or continuing to receive a pro-rata share of the lesson time until others sign up. For example:
- If only 1 person signed up for a Small Group of 2 lesson (30 Minutes), they would receive half the lesson time (15 minutes).
- If only 1 person signed up for a Small Group of 3 (30 Minutes), they would receive a third of the time (10 minutes) or if only 2 people signed up for a Small Group of 3 they would receive two thirds of the time (20 minutes).
Withdrawal from Lessons:
Lessons and ensemble memberships will continue term on term and year on year until appropriate written notice of withdrawal is received.
One calendar months’ notice is required to end lessons. Notice must be sent in writing by email to music@theatrclwyd.com. Notice given verbally will not be registered as notice. Upon receipt of notice a member of the team will contact you to confirm the cancellation and plan for the rest of the term.
Though Students may withdraw from lessons at any time, as part of this agreement, they will be financially committed to pay for 1 full calendar month of lessons from the date that they give their notice to withdraw. For example, if they contact us indicating that they wish to cancel their tuition on 22nd October, they will still need to pay the tuition fee for November. The notice period will end on 30th November, and from 1st December they will no longer be registered for tuition.
Fees & Lesson Payment
You are entering into an ongoing Agreement for tuition with Theatr Clwyd Music.
Upon commencement of lessons, we will contact you to arrange payment by Direct Debit. Payments will be taken on a monthly basis over the academic year, between September and July. Payments will be taken by Direct Debit on the 1st day of the month.
If you do not make a payment by the agreed date, we will send you a reminder.
Tuition fees may be reviewed annually. We will give you written notice of any such increases.
Data Protection
Theatr Clwyd Music is committed to safeguarding your personal information. Whenever you provide such information, Theatr Clwyd is legally obliged to use your information in line with all laws concerning the protection of personal information, including the Data Protection Act 1998.
Third Party Data Usage: Theatr Clwyd Music never passes on personal details of students, staff or contractors without their express permission.
Your agreement: By entering your details in the fields within the website you are agreeing to Theatr Clwyd Music providing you with the information and services you have requested.
For more details, please see our Privacy Policy.
Theatr Clwyd Music reserves the right to review these terms from time to time, normally at the end of an academic year. You will have the option to accept the revised terms or withdraw from lessons if we change our terms. If we advise you of any material change to these terms to your detriment without giving sufficient notice to enable you to withdraw from the Agreement by the specified date, you will not be required to pay a fee in lieu of notice in respect of the following term.